Ontario Caregiver Organization

Caregivers are family members, partners, friends or neighbours who provide personal, social and psychological support to someone in need. They form the backbone of our care economy. More importantly, they are under constant stress and could use a little support themselves! A new organization (summarized below) has popped up in Ontario and they provide direction on a number of issues facing care givers in Ontario – Ontario Caregiver Organization. I’ve summarized their information below and if you are looking for some support as you care for a senior, check them out.

The Ontario Caregiver Organization has been created to help support and ease the burden on caregivers. Our mandate, as outlined by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, is to provide support to all caregivers, regardless of their age, the diagnosis, disease or condition or where they live. Our mandate is very clear that we are not duplicating existing services.  Our goal as an organization is to:

  • Support caregivers by being the one point of contact for information about existing services and supports.

  • Bridge the range of these services and supports so all caregivers have the same access, regardless of age, diagnosis or where they live. 

  • Create greater awareness about the role of caregivers, the challenges of being a caregiver and the contribution they make to their loved one, their community and the province of Ontario.

  • Advocate for caregivers, healthcare and service providers who support caregivers, across the province. We will ensure the caregiver’s voice is heard and is used to inform policy and legislation.